Try these keywords: climate, waste, engery


週三, 01 十一月 2017 11:43




週四, 02 十一月 2017 09:50


聯合國為帶領全球邁向更美好和可持續的未來,訂立了17項可持續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals,簡稱SDGs)。 

全球升溫 1.5ºC 特別報告 (政府間氣候變化專門委員會 - 20181006)




世界氣象組織秘書長塔拉斯專訪:「很遺憾,氣候變化是真的」 (BBC - 20181015)

What does global average temperature increase of 1.5°C mean for coasts and deltas? (The Climate Development Knowledge Network - 20181011)

減緩氣候變遷 研究:減少肉類消費 (中央廣播電臺 - 20181011)

Even half a degree of warming matters for South Asia’s urban poor (The Climate Development Knowledge Network - 20181011)

Climate report understates threat (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - 20181009)

The IPCC’s 1.5°C Report – What are the implications for development choices in Latin America? (The Climate Development Knowledge Network - 20181009)

What global warming of 1.5 ℃ and higher means for Botswana and Namibia (The Climate Development Knowledge Network - 20181009)(The Climate Development Knowledge Network - 20181009)

Climate report: Scientists urge deep rapid change to limit warming (BBC - 20181008)

Hong Kong 2050 decarbonisation plan to heed UN call for action, but environmentalists say only ‘radical and systemic change’ will do (南華早報 - 20181008)

最後警報:氣候變化12年後可能失控 (BBC - 20181008)

IPCC’s 1.5°C Report implies urgent, ambitious climate action that puts vulnerable people first (The Climate Development Knowledge Network - 20181008)

IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C highlights challenge to achieve climate stability and end poverty (The Climate Development Knowledge Network - 20181008)

Three key private finance initiatives for financing a 1.5°C degree target (The Climate Development Knowledge Network - 20181008)

The IPCC’s 1.5°C Report: increasing risk of heatwaves in African cities (The Climate Development Knowledge Network - 20181008)

In-depth Q&A: The IPCC’s special report on climate change at 1.5C (Carbon Brief - 20181008)

UN climate panel says ‘unprecedented changes’ needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C (聯合國新聞 - 20181007)

0.5度的差別:控制全球暖化幅度之爭 (BBC - 20181002)


週五, 27 七月 2018 14:45

Land-use Finance Toolbox

