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聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會( IPCC )在2021年8月初發表第六次的氣候變化評估報告(AR6),是AR6三個工作小組的第一組報告,以物理科學為基礎,評估氣候變化的現況及預測未來情境。其餘兩個工作小組分別評估氣候變化的影響和緩減方法,有關報告將於2022年陸續發表。

是次報告總結多個科學論證,其中最令人關注的是IPCC以「毋庸置疑」(Unequivocal)一詞首次確定人類活動對全球暖化的影響 ,指出全球升溫在未來 20 年極可能跨越1.5°C 的升溫警戒線。






極少觀測證據(Little observational evidence)


可辨別的人為影響(Discernible human influence)




非常可能(Very likely,機率90%)


極為可能(Extremely likely,機率95%)


AR6指出,自1850–1900 年以來(即工業革命後),人類活動產生的溫室氣體至今已令全球地表溫度升溫近 1.1°C。報告亦整合五個不同溫室氣體排放量的電腦模擬情景,分析未來人類大幅減少或持續增加溫室氣體排放,對全球升溫的影響。總結在所有模擬情景下,全球升溫在未來 20 年內仍會達到1.5°C。


聯合國常務秘書長安東尼奧・古特雷斯(António Guterres)指是次報告為「 人類生存紅色警報」,各國必須採取果斷及大膽的減排措施,包括在2040年或之前完全停止使用化石燃料,否則全球升溫的幅度在21世紀內可能超過2°C。



IPCC 第六次的氣候變化評估報告及相關資訊


類別: 新聞中心


可持續發展委員會早前向政府提交有關長遠減碳策略報告,期望香港在 2050 年或之前實現淨零碳排放,為全球將平均溫度的升幅限制在工業化前水平的1.5°C度之內出一分力。委員會制定了一個長遠願景,在八個主要範疇(包括目標;生活方式;教育、培訓與研究;建築環境;能源;交通;城市規劃與管理;金融 )提出了55項建議以支持落實有關策略。


類別: 報告


Selva Ozelli’s second solo digital art show “Breathe Life” will take place at the Pinelo Art Gallery in Istanbul, Turkey from September 7 to 21, 2020, starting on the very first International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies Day.

Similar to her group art show “Atelier Teymur Rzayev’s First Digital Climate Change Art Show” and her first solo digital art show “Art in the Time of Corona”:

Selva curated “Breathe Life” based on her series of articles on digital technology adoption, solar energy and tax policies in the jurisdictions with the greatest carbon emissions. Her art shows as well as her article series have been published by the “Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change - Hong Kong” in addition to more than 90 other museums as well as more than 100 other publications around the world.

The motivation behind launching her second solo digital art show was Selva Ozelli's multiple climate change themed paintings that are part of this art show --paintings titled “Oak Tree” depicting a Himalayan oak tree and “Global Warming” depicting the melting Himalayan glaciers -was selected at the International Environment Day Art Contest by the Department of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of Bihar, India. And her painting titled “Heartbreak Weather – Inertia in the Face of Wildfires” depicting wildfires of Australia was selected in the Niall Horan international art competition.

“Breathe Life” includes paintings of trees, gardens which are efficient carbon sinks – that alleviate CO2 pollution which creates health effects and global warming. It also includes portraits of artist Renan Kaleli (Pollution 1); the creator of 5G technology which is important to the digital economy Prof Erdal Arikan (Pollution 2); the composer and singer of “Heart Break Weather” Niall Horan (Heartbreak Weather – Inertia in the Face of Wildfires); an innocent child who deserves to inherit clean air and blue skies Can Kir (Wildlife).

Related article:

Eight Climate Change Themed Digital Art Shows for the Very First International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies Day

類別: 互動多媒體
第 1 頁,共 4 頁