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If the world is to keep climate change at manageable levels before the middle of the century, changes in lifestyles are not only inevitable, but would need to be radical, and start immediately. Read the report launched by a group of experts from an international consortium of research and policy institutes.

類別: Reports

The Environment Bureau launched the Low Carbon Living Calculator today to promote lifestyle changes to combat climate change.

The online calculator will help the public assess their individual carbon emissions in the past year for clothing, food, living and travel.

On a designated website, it asks 14 simple multiple choice questions which can usually be completed within five minutes.

Using information from electricity, water and fuel bills, the calculator will estimate users' individual carbon emissions based on their habits.

It also offers low carbon living tips on behavioural changes needed to lead a greener lifestyle.

People can share their results with family and friends using social media.

Click here to get started.

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