CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Steering Committee

CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Steering Committee


Appointed by the Vice-Chancellor  Professor Nick Rawlins
Pro-Vice-Chancellor / Vice-President
External members who are experts in climate change or sustainability  Dr Pak-wai Chan
Director, Hong Kong Observatory
Dr Rebecca Lee
Founder, Polar Museum Foundation
Faculty members from relevant research and academic units  Professor Hon-ming Lam
Director, Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability
Professor Amos Tai
Programme Director, Earth System Science Programme
Ex-officio members from relevant professional and administrative service units  
  • Chief Sustainability Officer; and Director, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office
Mrs Cecilia Lam 
  • Director, Office of Institutional Advancement
Ms Lolitta Wong
  • Head of Communications and Engagement, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office
Mr Joseph Chan
Member and Secretary 

Head of Social and Climate Action, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office

Dr Felix Leung


Terms of Reference


To set direction and strategies for the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change.


To endorse plans for the museum’s operations in accordance with set direction and strategies.


To guide the identification, mobilization and engagement of strategic partners and benefactors for the successful implementation of the museum’s initiatives and projects.


To monitor and evaluate the results and impact of the museum’s initiatives and projects.

Yasumoto International Academic Park 8/F
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
3943 9632
Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday to Saturday: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, Sunday, Public Holidays and University Holidays
(24th and 31st December, and Lunar New Year Eve): Closed